Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Santa Claus is coming to town????
According to Noah, Santa will not be coming to our house this here. When asked who will bring his presents, he said, "Grandpa."
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tis the Season

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
School, School, School

Officially back to school and buried under paperwork. I missed the first day of school thanks to a wicked stomach bug. I haven't graded anything. I have five different copies of rosters, lists of IEPs to get copies of, and lesson plans to finish. Yikes. But the good news is the classes are going well, and I haven't had any major problems so far.
Noah started at his new daycare, which we call school, and he's having a good time. The first day was a little rough, but he didn't even cry yesterday or today when we dropped him off. He got a new backpack in honor of the occasion and is very proud of it as you can see. Also he has not had any wet or dirty pants accidents at school. He also has been using the potty for number two, which is good. Of course, it means mom and dad have to pony up the cash for his park soon. I think it's on the agenda for the weekend.
He also had to get new shoes because his foot has grown. I let him get the uglies Lightning McQueen shoes ever to play in. I'm a pushover. He also seems to be all legs right now.
Hope everyone enjoys the weekend.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Everybody Poops and Everybody gets old
I am officially old as I reached the big 30 last week. It didn't feel any differently than the big 29 so far so good. Trav and I also celebrated our 10th anniversary this evening with a fine dinner of hamburger helper with Noah. That's true love folks. *He did send nice flowers, and we had a nice dinner the night before so don't think we're that bad)
We've been busy with work and getting ready for school. In-service starts Monday and classes start on Thursday. So next week will be challenging, but it should be better than last year.
Good news is that Noah has successfully pooped in the potty. So we're making great progress on that front. Also it has cooled off and that means we're not as cranky.
Noah's mood has improved since going back to daycare because he has been reunited with his girlfriends. They're twins and the three of them make quite the trio. Sadly (for them but not for me) he will be starting a new daycare a week from Monday so their reunion will be short lived. He has already said that he would get new girlfriends at the new school. I'm trying to get a picture of him with Lily and Layla, but it rained last night so they couldn't meet on the playground today. Too bad.
We've been busy with work and getting ready for school. In-service starts Monday and classes start on Thursday. So next week will be challenging, but it should be better than last year.
Good news is that Noah has successfully pooped in the potty. So we're making great progress on that front. Also it has cooled off and that means we're not as cranky.
Noah's mood has improved since going back to daycare because he has been reunited with his girlfriends. They're twins and the three of them make quite the trio. Sadly (for them but not for me) he will be starting a new daycare a week from Monday so their reunion will be short lived. He has already said that he would get new girlfriends at the new school. I'm trying to get a picture of him with Lily and Layla, but it rained last night so they couldn't meet on the playground today. Too bad.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
No news
Haven't posted in a bit because there hasn't been much fun going on around here. It has been terribly hot - which makes mommy cranky. Noah has tonsillitis again!!!! The third time in six months or so. He didn't even have a cold this time. So he has been cranky too. I hope everyone else is having more fun than we are.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
No-No's Week

Noah often refers to himself in third person as "No-No." It's pretty funny. He spent the last week with Grandpa and Grandma Barnes riding tractors and going to the post office. Marci attended four "hell-ish" days at a Great Expectations workshop in Lawton. It was way too much touchy-feely stuff for my taste, but I did meet some decent people and did a little networking. It also put me in the mood to get ready to go back to school. So I've been stocking up on cheap things I can use in the classroom. Good times.
The big news around here is that Noah has been using the potty!!!!! Hooray. He's had one wet pull-up in the a.m. and one wet accident since the fourth of July. He's been a real superstar with the number one. The number two, however, is another subject. He tries but it hasn't worked out for him yet. Good news is that he tries. So he will get there soon. Once he gets it together, he has been promised a "park" for the backyard (swingset/fort).
It's kind of weird that the celebrations in my life have been reduced to the bowel movement of others.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Noah's Chair

Today I gave Noah his new chair that I had ordered for Christmas. Once it got here I realized there was no way I could store it for six months. He loved it and sat in it to play his "banjo" (also known as a backyardigans guitar). As you can see we have been wearing Elmo pants. He has been doing ok with them. Some days are drier than others.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

This weekend Noah, Grandma Barnes and I traveled to Tulsa for a baby shower. While we were there we went to the aquarium in Jenks, which is really cool. Noah enjoyed seeing Nemo and the sharks. He also dropped his hat in the tank while feeding the turtles. He seemed to really enjoy it, and he has been watching Finding Nemo since we got back home. Hope everyone has a great fourth!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Santa Fe

As some of you know, I had to go to Santa Fe for a workshop and Travis went with me. We had a great time and stayed on the Plaza in the La Fonda hotel. I think Trav had a better time than I did seeing as how I was in meetings most of the week. He did lots of neat things like hiking and playing golf. I will include a picture that he took of the cliff dwellings.
Noah went to stay with Ma & Pa Barnes at the new house and traveled to Texas to get Ma's floor as he says. I think he kept them pretty entertained with his vocabulary and riding Pa's tractor. He also got to see baby horses and cows.
As part of our bribes when we returned he got a new pair of boots because he had outgrown the old ones and asked for them all of the time. I think he has worn them ever since with the exception of baths (yes, that means he has worn them to bed, too).
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Noah and I have started waterbabies class at the city pool. He didn't like it at first, but he seems to enjoy it for the most part. He got to show off his newly acquired skills at Isabel's pool party today, too. Please no comments about my farmer's tan. I know it's bad.
We had some pretty crazy weather in Altus this week and a lot of damage was done on the south side of town. I was gone to a seminar but Travis, Noah and Grandpa and Grandma Barnes experienced it while being locked out of the house. Good times. I will post the url for the paper for anyone who is interested in seeing the pics.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Big Boy Bed
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Lawn boy

School's out and we're enjoying it. Although I have been a little bored. But, we are painting Noah's room so that should keep me busy. Keep an eye out for the new improved Noah's room pictures.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Not much to report from the Graceys other than we've been sick with the stomach flu. Noah was sick Saturday night, I followed Sunday, and Travis followed on Tuesday. I felt better Tuesday and went to school, but I had a relapse. So I've been home again today with Noah and Travis, too. Kind of weird for us to be here during the week together. Only Noah was pleasant as he is the most fully recovered. Although I am feeling better and have set out to de-funk the house by using disinfecting wipes on every possible surface. I have turned into the Lysol guy from the x-ray department at Purcell's hospital. Perhaps there will be better news to report next time.
By the way - school's out a week from tomorrow - HOORAY!!!!
By the way - school's out a week from tomorrow - HOORAY!!!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Snakes and Paint

Friday Noah and I traveled to the 43rd annual Mangum Rattlesnake Derby. It was an interesting experience. The 44th annual event will not be high on my priority list, but it was a nice day with some tasty snacks. Noah is a big fan of the corndog as you can tell from his picture. He also downed about 10 ounces of a strawberry lemonade.
Saturday we went to the park and cleaned house while Travis did inventories. We also feed the ducks and geese who were very pushy. One took a piece of bread out of Noah's hand.
Sunday Travis and Noah went to the park and to see the ducks (Noah is a big fan of both the park and the ducks) while I finished cleaning the house. Later Travis played golf and Noah and I watched puppies (101 Dalmatians) and ran a few errands. We also did some Mother's Day crafts for the Grandmas (I would show them off but that would ruin the surprise). Once we finished Noah painted for a little while.
As you can tell from his pictures, he had a series of bumps, bruises, and scratches this weekend. He bumped his head, scratched the side of his face and skinned his knees a couple of times. He scratched his chin once on Saturday and fell down at the park and did it up right on Sunday. I promise we don't beat him.

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Ducks Part III
Ducks Part II
I was having difficulty posting texts with pictures with Noah climbing around and talking on the phone at the same time. So two new posts today.
As you can tell from the previous post, Noah enjoyed feeding the "geese-ducks" as he would say at the reservoir today before going to play at the park. I was feeling guilty because Travis and I have been so busy with school and work, so we enjoyed the fine weather outside this morning.
Thankfully prom is over and all of us survived although Noah was yelled at when he pulled the picture backdrop down about eight hours before the big event. Mommy was not happy. Daddy received a curt on-the-golf course cell phone call informing him that he needed to come and help.
Travis and I attended while Noah went to Grandpa and Grandma Gracey's where he fell asleep at 9:30. He has not been to bed before 11 all week. I'm thinking about sending him there every night. (just kidding)
Less than a month left of school. Hooray! Although I don't know what I will do with myself.
Travis will be busy with inventory all week, but Grandma Barnes is coming for a visit. We've been cleaning house in preparation and also b/c it had been more neglected than Noah during the last couple of weeks.
A great week to all!
Next weekend is the Mangum Rattlesnake Derby. I think we'll attend so maybe we'll get some good material from that.
As you can tell from the previous post, Noah enjoyed feeding the "geese-ducks" as he would say at the reservoir today before going to play at the park. I was feeling guilty because Travis and I have been so busy with school and work, so we enjoyed the fine weather outside this morning.
Thankfully prom is over and all of us survived although Noah was yelled at when he pulled the picture backdrop down about eight hours before the big event. Mommy was not happy. Daddy received a curt on-the-golf course cell phone call informing him that he needed to come and help.
Travis and I attended while Noah went to Grandpa and Grandma Gracey's where he fell asleep at 9:30. He has not been to bed before 11 all week. I'm thinking about sending him there every night. (just kidding)
Less than a month left of school. Hooray! Although I don't know what I will do with myself.
Travis will be busy with inventory all week, but Grandma Barnes is coming for a visit. We've been cleaning house in preparation and also b/c it had been more neglected than Noah during the last couple of weeks.
A great week to all!
Next weekend is the Mangum Rattlesnake Derby. I think we'll attend so maybe we'll get some good material from that.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Still busy
We're still very busy with work, school, and prom. Fortunately, the prom will be over soon. School will be close behind. Noah and I did have a nice Saturday shopping with Tamara and Isabel. I got new shoes and Noah got a new hat and book (he's already torn up the book). Have a great week!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy

We Graceys have been very busy lately with school, work, and helping Grandpa & Grandma Barnes get ready for their move over the weekend. Travis has a whole two days off this month. I have EOI tests to prepare students for and the prom is coming up, too. Also, my graduate classes are wrapping up so that means we're all swamped. Noah has been busy growing and talking like crazy. His new words today were mower and Hummer. Grandpa and Grandma said that he said Wal-Mart, but we're in denial about that. Noah got a pretty serious boo-boo on his big toe, but he has announced that it is all better a couple of times. It still looks pretty painful to me. I'm not sure what we'll do tomorrow when he has to wear tennis shoes.
His pictures we had made over spring break came in, and I've posted a sample. Don't tell the copyright police. I hope everyone has a great week. It looks to be a little soggy around here.
Friday, March 21, 2008

Noah and I spent the last few days in Purcell with Grandpa & Grandma Barnes.
Among our many adventures was a trip to the OKC zoo with our friends, Tamara and Isabel. Noah was successfully sun protected (but overdressed) whereas I got a sunburn. Noah and Isabel shared a stroller and teddy grahams with relatively few disagreements. Noah called everything either a kitty, duck, puppy, or monkey.
The zoo recently welcomed lion cubs. I got a picture of one of them. I think we saw three all together. We got to see giraffes and zebras up close, too. Noah fell asleep before we got to that part. The zoo was really busy so some of the best attractions were a little crowded for our taste.
Today Noah had his two-year-old pictures made so those should be ready in April. He wasn't exactly cooperative but we got some good shots.
Noah has really been talking a lot more lately. He even asks questions sometimes like "where mama go" etc... A frequent cry is "I want park."
Sadly spring break is almost over and it's back to school on Tuesday. At least I still have Monday.
This weekend will include laundry and golf (for Travis) as well as an Easter dinner and egg hunt if it is not raining.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Fun at the Park

While Travis played a little golf, Noah and I went to Imagination Station (aka the park) and the reservoir to see the ducks. Noah had a great time. He loves to slide and fly the airplane. He even mastered sliding on his stomach. He did not want to leave either place. He fell asleep in the car on the way home. Other than that there is not much to report. Travis is busy with work, and I'm enjoying spring break. I will try to add a video later.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Good Times
Not too much to report in the Gracey world. Noah had tonsillitis and spent a couple of days with Grandpa & Grandma Barnes. It worked well with our weekend plans to be in Purcell. He had a blast playing outside this afternoon in the sun. I enjoyed taking a nap in the sun. Of course the pink tinge on my nose may not be so fun tomorrow. The countdown is on for spring break. Just five more days to go. Travis will be busy this week as the Big Blue U re-tags the stores to switch to the new warehouse. Right now Noah is being mysteriously quiet so I better find out what he's up to. Hope everyone has a great week.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Today Noah discovered his cowboy boots, which were a gift from Aunt Beth & Uncle Jason for his first Christmas. It was pretty funny to watch him toddle around in them. It looked a lot like Mommy in heels. We're all doing well and hoping to have a productive weekend. I have an assignment due Tuesday and Nine-Weeks Tests to prepare. The countdown is on for Spring Break. Then the count down is on for May 15. I can't believe the year is almost over. Travis had to work this morning and has a "honey do" list. I'm sure golf will work into the plans Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
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