Noah and I spent the last few days in Purcell with Grandpa & Grandma Barnes.
Among our many adventures was a trip to the OKC zoo with our friends, Tamara and Isabel. Noah was successfully sun protected (but overdressed) whereas I got a sunburn. Noah and Isabel shared a stroller and teddy grahams with relatively few disagreements. Noah called everything either a kitty, duck, puppy, or monkey.
The zoo recently welcomed lion cubs. I got a picture of one of them. I think we saw three all together. We got to see giraffes and zebras up close, too. Noah fell asleep before we got to that part. The zoo was really busy so some of the best attractions were a little crowded for our taste.
Today Noah had his two-year-old pictures made so those should be ready in April. He wasn't exactly cooperative but we got some good shots.
Noah has really been talking a lot more lately. He even asks questions sometimes like "where mama go" etc... A frequent cry is "I want park."
Sadly spring break is almost over and it's back to school on Tuesday. At least I still have Monday.
This weekend will include laundry and golf (for Travis) as well as an Easter dinner and egg hunt if it is not raining.