Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Big Boy Bed

As promised pictures of Noah's new and improved big boy room. He's quite proud of his big boy bed and talks about it all of the time. He slept in it all night the first night and most of the second night. Miss Kitty likes it, too.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

Lawn boy

Noah loves the lawn mower. Unfortunately Travis broke ours and had to take it to the shop, which set Noah off big time. So we had to go and find him one this afternoon. Seeing as how it is in the upper 90s this afternoon he had to satisfy himself with mowing inside today.
School's out and we're enjoying it. Although I have been a little bored. But, we are painting Noah's room so that should keep me busy. Keep an eye out for the new improved Noah's room pictures.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Not much to report from the Graceys other than we've been sick with the stomach flu. Noah was sick Saturday night, I followed Sunday, and Travis followed on Tuesday. I felt better Tuesday and went to school, but I had a relapse. So I've been home again today with Noah and Travis, too. Kind of weird for us to be here during the week together. Only Noah was pleasant as he is the most fully recovered. Although I am feeling better and have set out to de-funk the house by using disinfecting wipes on every possible surface. I have turned into the Lysol guy from the x-ray department at Purcell's hospital. Perhaps there will be better news to report next time.
By the way - school's out a week from tomorrow - HOORAY!!!!